WYSIWYG editor plugin for rails


Is there a plugin or some kind of interface for WYMeditor (http:// pandejo.blogspot.com/2007/09/wymeditor-standards-driven-wysiwyg.html) like there is for TinyMce?

Elad Meidar - Creopolis.com wrote:


Is there a plugin or some kind of interface for WYMeditor (http:// pandejo.blogspot.com/2007/09/wymeditor-standards-driven-wysiwyg.html) like there is for TinyMce?   

Hi Elad,

Benny posted this at my blog entry about using the Textile Editor Helper and acts_as_textiled together. [http://notepad.onghu.com/2007/3/28/using-textile-editor-plugin-and-acts_as_textiled\]


Not sure if this helps you - I haven't had a look at it in any detail.

Cheers, Mohit. 9/10/2007 | 11:24 PM.

Take a look at TinyMCE editor, its greatly helpful plugin, very flexible, configurable ! Now there is mod to make image gallery with rails+tinymce.

Look for "TinyMCE rails" .. look for WiKi :slight_smile:

No, TinyMce is not good enough. i am looking for the WYM for a reason. i'll just have to write it down myself since i don't want to use textile.

Hi Elad - did you receive my message with the following URL in it:


Cheers Mohit.

Elad Meidar - Creopolis.com wrote:

I just released WEH, should be just what you need Elad. I updated the WymOnRails page on the wym wiki, and blogged about it here;




Hi Benny

I just tried to install wym_editor from the cmd prompt in Windows 2003 server ruby script/plugin install svn://zuurstof.openminds.be/home/kaizer/svn/rails_stuff/plugins/wym_editor_helper

Result: nothing gets installed !

Can you assist ?

hm.. weird.. i just tried again and everything works fine here. First thing that comes to mind is that you don't have a subversion client installed.. do you? You can download subversion at http://subversion.tigris.org/

You should get output like: MBPjomz:~/rails/temptest bennydegezelle$ ruby script/plugin install svn://zuurstof.openminds.be/home/kaizer/svn/rails_stuff/plugins/wym_editor_helper A /Users/bennydegezelle/rails/temptest/vendor/plugins/ wym_editor_helper A /Users/bennydegezelle/rails/temptest/vendor/plugins/ wym_editor_helper/test ... A /Users/bennydegezelle/rails/temptest/vendor/plugins/ wym_editor_helper/assets/wymeditor/examples/README Exported external at revision 464.

Exported revision 14.

If not, what output DO you get?