Is there a wysiwyg editor in RoR?

subject sums it up.

Sketchy wrote:

subject sums it up.

Google sums it up :slight_smile:

I think the main options are: TinyMCE and FckEditor I think

Cheers, Mohit. 7/16/2007 | 12:26 PM.

bah I guess I had the wrong keywords when I checked google.. thanks

Sketchy wrote:

subject sums it up.

Google sums it up :slight_smile: wysiwyg editor in RoR - Google Search

I think the main options are: TinyMCE and FckEditor I think

Of the two we've found FckEditor to work better... there's a Rails plugin for it as well to make it easier to integrate. And it supports AJAX forms, which if my memory is right TinyMCE didn't (at the time anyway).

It can be done with TinyMCE, but it’s a pain.

That said, none of the wysiwyg editors produce (unless you restrict users in what they can do) horrible HTML code, one worse than the other.

You could look into but I haven’t tried it myself (as it doesn’t work on the current safari release, it’s not an option for us at the moment).

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

The others have summed up some of the most popular html/javascript WYSIWYG editors.

However, if you were instead asking whether there is a way to use WYSIWYG editors with Ruby on Rails (to create the layout and views) then take a look at the MasterView project which lets you use any standard WYSIWYG HTML editor like (Dreamweaver or NVU) with Rails.



I've tested out WymEditor and I have to say that I like it. For the older version, there is a rails plugin:

Also, the latest version has a branch which has safari support here:

Finally, they have some details about safari development here: with notes about the safari implementation here:
