Hi guys.. I want to learn Ruby on Rails.. Actually I already have a
Computer Based Training CD in Ruby on Rails by Lynda.com.. But I'm
having a hard time in deploying the requirement 'coz in the training
video the speaker is working on Mac OS.. But I'm using Windows.. He
said that there's a one click install in ruby called instantrail so I
followed it I installed one on my computer then I also need MySQL and
Server.. So I downloaded XAMPP (MySQL and Apache for Ruby on Rails)..
Guys did I got right requirements for deploying Ruby on Rails on my
Computer?.. Actually I'm really starting from scratch in RoR and I
think it's better to apply this language on our Web Development
Subject Project - An online enrollment system project...
And another thing on instantrail installation.. Once I included to
enable RubyGem on the first step of installation.. Does it mean that
RubyGem will be automatically installed in my system?
And lastly, how long will it take for me to learn Ruby on Rails..
I think that would be all..
Thank you... Hoping for responses in my thread..
Hi guys.. I want to learn Ruby on Rails.. Actually I already have a
Computer Based Training CD in Ruby on Rails by Lynda.com.. But I'm
having a hard time in deploying the requirement 'coz in the training
video the speaker is working on Mac OS.. But I'm using Windows.. He
said that there's a one click install in ruby called instantrail so I
followed it I installed one on my computer then I also need MySQL and
Server.. So I downloaded XAMPP (MySQL and Apache for Ruby on Rails)..
InstantRails includes Apache and MySQL, the example apps supplied with
it should work straight out of the box.
The only may be that it does not include the latest version of Rails
(unless it has been updated recently). To bring it up to the latest
version open a Ruby Console window (from within InstantRails, I forget
exactly how to get there but you will find it in the menus somewhere),
then do:
gem update --system
gem update rails
rails -v
will tell you which version of rails you have (again in the Ruby
Console Window in InstantRails)
Check the demos run before this as they probably will not once you upgrade.
Guys did I got right requirements for deploying Ruby on Rails on my
Computer?.. Actually I'm really starting from scratch in RoR and I
think it's better to apply this language on our Web Development
Subject Project - An online enrollment system project...
And another thing on instantrail installation.. Once I included to
enable RubyGem on the first step of installation.. Does it mean that
RubyGem will be automatically installed in my system?
And lastly, how long will it take for me to learn Ruby on Rails..
That rather depends on you. Start with the Getting Started with Rails
guide at http://guides.rubyonrails.org/ and you should have something
working in minutes.
Thank you Colin… . Have a nice one. =)