Hello Everyone,
I am a newbie to ruby. Can someone post a step by step standalone installtion of ruby on rails in windows as well as ubuntu . This is my first day with ruby. any help is highly appriciated
Thanks, Avy
Hello Everyone,
I am a newbie to ruby. Can someone post a step by step standalone installtion of ruby on rails in windows as well as ubuntu . This is my first day with ruby. any help is highly appriciated
Thanks, Avy
Avy wrote:
Hello Everyone,
I am a newbie to ruby. Can someone post a step by step standalone installtion of ruby on rails in windows as well as ubuntu . This is my first day with ruby. any help is highly appriciated
Thanks, Avy
For windows use InstantRails, that's probably the fastest way to get running with RoR on that OS. I would follow the setup guide in the Wiki for Ubuntu.
For ubuntu:
Open synaptic and install ruby and rubygems (you might also want to install mysql for database). Open terminal and execute 'gem install rails --include-dependencies'. That's all, you have rails installed.
1. For Windows - InstantRails is a no brainer. Though, you should know that the current release of InstantRails has Rails 2.0.2 and not Rails 2.1.0. Upgrading to Rails 2.1.0 may be less than trivial for a new Rails user. 2. Ubuntu - The following link should help you: http://www.rubyhead.com/category/tutorial/ HTH. Bharat