Hello, I'm using instantrails 2 to develop RubyOnRails projects on
windows and need to update my ruby version to 1.8.7 (I'm still using
1.8.6). I downloaded ruby 1.8.7 here http://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/1.8/ruby-1.8.7.zip
and unzipped files in the ruby folder of instantrails but when I check
"ruby -v" I still got 1.8.6 (I tried a gem update and same thing, some
gems won't update because they detect ruby 1.8.6 and not 1.8.7).
The files you download are the source code, you'll have to compile it to have it available as a binary on your machine. Not sure how that squares with InstantRails, though. You might want to look at RailsInstaller from Engine Yard, which I gather is the latest thing for Windows + Rails. Someone else with experience using Posix software on Windows can probably point out my errors and what you should do.
First thanks for your reply. I already had a look at RailsInstaller
but I would prefer not to change my development environment, just
update ruby to 1.8.7...I'm gonna keep looking for a solution about
I have done exactly what you describe and it did work. Did the files from the zip end up in the ruby/bin and ruby/lib folders? As this is Windows you probably should reboot if you havn't.