I use Instans rails 2.0.But the version of rails and ruby still old.I need to update to latest version. What should I do ? Thanks
try: gem update --system
install a ruby latest version copy and past all the from from that installed in to yours ruby of instant rails may be this work some one told me this i never tried but i think it works
gem update --system didn't work Dani Http Response 302 fetching http://gems.rubyforge.org.yaml
howerver , thank you Dani
As you say, InstantRails (while very good when it was introduced) is now out of date and not maintained. A better solution now is probably VirtualRails which will give you a complete rails environment on a virtual machine running on windows. An even better solution is to use Linux (I use Ubuntu) and ditch Windows. You can dual boot the PC so you can use either Win or Ubuntu if you really need to keep Windows. You will not regret it in the long run, one gets this marvelous sensation of being in control of the machine again.
Tanawat Limungkura wrote:
I use Instans rails 2.0.But the version of rails and ruby still old.I need to update to latest version. What should I do ? Thanks
The first step is to update rubygems I found it works best to download from rubyforge.org the latest version of rubygems, do the install and then update rails. If you have rubygems working and try 'gem update' which should update all installed gems it will fail. It will complain that ruby is version 1.8.7 and I have not tried to update ruby. You can install an earlier than 3 version of rails by 'gem install -v=[version] rails'. I have installed 2.2.2 and 2.3.9 and it worked for them. I cannot testify to any other version. In all cases this is done from a 'ruby console' window which you can access from the I menu in IR.