How do you upgrade Rails 2.0.2 to 2.2.2?

Dear Friends,

I am having trouble with the rails version. I am looking at the book by Sam, Dave and David, where they said if I install InstantRails 2.0, it comes with Rails 2.2.2. But apparently when I actually downloaded it from (, and then (unzipped it -> ran instantrails.exe -> opened Ruby Console window from the I icon etc),

I issued the command rails -v and it says Rails is version 2.0.2.

So I wanted to upgrade it to 2.2.2. To do that, I gave the instructions from the book

gem install rails --version 2.2.2,

but I get the error:

Updating metadata for 1 gems from . complete ERROR: could not find rails locally or in a repository

What am I missing?

Environment: Windows XP SP3 InstantRails 2.0

Have you tried running "gem update --system"? Just a guess...hope it helps.

I would suggest you try ‘gem list -r’ to see if there are any remote gems in the repository you are contacting. That should give you some information on what is there. I have personally upgraded InstantRails 2.0 from 2.0.2 to 2.2.? and I cannot recall any particular problems doing it. Updating gem as suggested may help.
