Rails stop responding when I try to use MySQL connection instead of SQLITE3

I am using mysql 5.0 and rails 3.0.3 when I try to connect it to MySql ( through rake migration) it works fine but it does not like when I try to fetch data from der...

Will anybody help me for that or let me know how I can change sever from Webrick to something else ?

I am using mysql 5.0 and rails 3.0.3 when I try to connect it to MySql ( through rake migration) it works fine but it does not like when I try to fetch data from der...

It might help if we had some idea of what problem you are seeing. Post the complete error message and stack trace (if there is one) that you see. If you do not see an error message then explain what happens. Have a look in log/development.log to see if there is a clue there. Also tell us which operating system you are using.

Will anybody help me for that or let me know how I can change sever from Webrick to something else ?

What makes you think it is a webrick problem?
