Hello, I trying to ride rails 3. I've installed ruby 1.9.2 and rails 3.0.0 without any problems I create empty project with -d mysql, configured DB and 'bundle install' without any problems, but when i try to rake 'db:create', i get this error http://pastie.org/1130112 What should i do to make it work good?
Hi Oleg,
The command is: rake db:create, without any ' " (i think try "rake db:create RAILS_ENV='development' " ) than "rake db:migrate"
1. Have you checked the .yaml file? 2. Have you cheched "rails --version" , "ruby --version" , "gem list" , "mysql --version" everything works fine? 3. Have you installed the mysql connection libraries? (What os do you use?) 4. Can you manipulate mysql from hand? Without migration, from mysql shell?
If you are beginner, than first try out the default settings! If everything works fine, then you have problem with mysql or its connection, not with Rails, so you will know where to find the solution.
good luck, gezope
Oh, yeah, I just checked your error msg, it is a mysql:error, not Rails problem. You must check mysql itself first, than the connection, .yaml. good luck, gezope
Im also getting troubles with rake db:create Ive set up a rails 3 environment with rvm. ruby 1.9.2 rails 3.0.0 ruby-mysql 2.9.3 (gem)
Im working on Ubuntu 10.04, the mysql server is up and running.
development: adapter: mysql2 encoding: utf8 database: rpress_dev pool: 5 username: root password: [password] test: adapter: mysql2 encoding: utf8 database: rpress_test pool: 5 username: root password: [password] production: adapter: mysql2 encoding: utf8 database: rpress_prod pool: 5 username: root password: [password]
When im trying to create db (rake db:creat), im getting a sqlite3 gem error, which is strange for me since my config is for mysql.
szymon@szymon-desktop:~/dev/rpress$ rake db:create (in /home/szymon/dev/rpress) Could not find gem 'sqlite3-ruby (>= 0, runtime)' in any of the gem sources. Try running `bundle install`.
set the password
Thanks for the answer.
Ive already dealt with this problem. in my Gemfile db engine wasn’t specified.