I'm new to ruby rail and i keep getting the same error code.

I’m trying to run “rails server” but I keep getting a missing gem so every gem it said was missing I manually installed. I manually installed gems all the way up to this point but this gem error won’t go away.


rails s (rails server)


Could not find gem ‘web-console (~> 2.0) x64-mingw32’ in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile or available on this machine.

Run bundle install to install missing gems.

Now I installed BUNDLER and and every code I could understand so faith has brought me here.

SO… Can someone help me find the medic because I need morphine. Excuse my french but I’m dying over here kid?

Did you run “bundle install” ?


yes is did.

I’m trying to run “rails server” but I keep getting a missing gem so every gem it said was missing I manually installed. I manually installed gems all the way up to this point but this gem error won’t go away.


rails s (rails server)


Could not find gem ‘web-console (~> 2.0) x64-mingw32’ in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile or available on this machine.

Run bundle install to install missing gems.

Now I installed BUNDLER and and every code I could understand so faith has brought me here.

SO… Can someone help me find the medic because I need morphine. Excuse my french but I’m dying over here kid?

Did you run “bundle install” ?


if you mean “Gem install bundler” yes is did that

if you mean "Gem install bundler" yes is did that

No, he meant what he said: bundle install

The fact that you misunderstood this means that you need to go and work right through a good tutorial such as railstutorial.org, which is free to use online, that will show you the basics of Rails.


ok so I’m taking action and I’m hoping to come back with a thank you letter. Really thanks anyway.