Gem is in gemlist but getting error: “Could not find gem”

When I try to start my project using `rails s` I have the following error message occur:

    Could not find gem 'jquery-rails (>= 0) ruby' in the gems available on this machine.     Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

However, I know I definitely have that gem installed because when I put in the command `gem list` it shows up in my list of gems.

    *** LOCAL GEMS ***

    actionmailer (3.2.3)     actionpack (3.2.3)     activemodel (3.2.3)     activerecord (3.2.3)     activeresource (3.2.3)     activesupport (3.2.14, 3.2.3)     arel (3.0.2)     bigdecimal (1.1.0)     builder (3.2.2, 3.0.0)     bundler (1.1.5)     c2c_linux_patch_utilities (0.30.0, 0.29.0)     chef (11.6.2)     chef-zero (1.6)     debug_me (0.5.1)     diff-lcs (1.1.3)     erubis (2.7.0)     gelf (1.1.3)     hashie (2.0.5)     highline (1.6.19)     hike (1.2.1)     i18n (0.6.5)     io-console (0.3)     ipaddress (0.8.0)     journey (1.0.3)     jquery-rails (2.0.1)     json (1.7.7, 1.5.5)     knife-lastrun (0.0.4)     mail (2.4.4)     mime-types (1.25)     minitest (3.2.0, 2.5.1)     mixlib-authentication (1.3.0)     mixlib-cli (1.3.0)     mixlib-config (1.1.2)     mixlib-log (1.6.0)     mixlib-shellout (1.2.0)     moneta (0.6.0)     multi_json (1.8.1)     net-ssh (2.7.0)     net-ssh-gateway (1.2.0)     net-ssh-multi (1.2.0, 1.1)     ohai (6.18.0)     polyglot (0.3.3)     pony (1.4, 1.3)     poseidon (0.0.4)     puma (1.6.3)     rack (1.5.2, 1.4.1)     rack-cache (1.2)     rack-ssl (1.3.2)     rack-test (0.6.1)     rails (3.2.3)     railties (3.2.3)     rake (10.1.0,     rdoc (3.12.2, 3.9.5)     rest-client (1.6.7)     rspec (2.12.0)     rspec-core (2.12.2)     rspec-expectations (2.12.1)     rspec-mocks (2.12.2)     rspec_junit_formatter (0.1.6)     ruby-shadow (2.2.0)     sdoc (0.3.20)     simplecov (0.7.1)     simplecov-html (0.7.1)     sprockets (2.3.1, 2.1.2)     systemu (2.5.2, 2.5.1)     thor (0.14.6)     tilt (1.3.3)     treetop (1.4.10)     tzinfo (0.3.31)     xml-simple (1.1.1)     yajl-ruby (1.1.0)

To further investigate, I've also tried the commands `bundle exec rails s` and `bundle list` to see what Bundler is actually exposing, but got the same error for both

   Could not find gem 'jquery-rails (>= 0) ruby' in the gems available on    this machine.

I'm not able to use bundler because the connection is blocked at my workplace, but regardless, why is it giving me the error that the gem needs to be installed when it is installed?

The jquery rails gem installed in your machine is not the that Gemfile needs. To confirm this, open Gemfile.lock. search for jquery-rails. you’ll find the gem version. compare it with the one in your machine.


To run bundle when you do not have a connection the command is something like bundle install --local to tell it to pick up only locally installed gems. I am not sure of the exact command however, possibly someone else can confirm or you will have to research it. Obviously it is up to you to make sure you have installed the correct versions of the gems before running bundle in this way.
