Hi there! I am new to ruby on rails but have some starting up issues. I am on a windows 10 updated system (from 7). I use railsinstaller and install for ruby 2.1 and everything gets installed alright. No problems yet. I open git bash and once i start putting in commands I see the text DL deprecated use fiddle i understand this is a warning and that it can be fixed. So thats ok but then i want to be able to open files with sublime and I have been trying to get this work for 2 days and it just won't. Anybody have the golden tip on what to do?
Hi there! I am new to ruby on rails but have some starting up issues. I am on a windows 10 updated system (from 7). I use railsinstaller and install for ruby 2.1 and everything gets installed alright. No problems yet. I open git bash and once i start putting in commands I see the text DL deprecated use fiddle i understand this is a warning and that it can be fixed. So thats ok but then i want to be able to open files with sublime and I have been trying to get this work for 2 days and it just won't. Anybody have the golden tip on what to do?
Probably not what you want to hear but my advice is to use Ubuntu. Either dual boot your machine (my preferred solution) or install Ubuntu in a virtual machine in windows (VMWare or VirtualBox for example). Then install ruby and rails using rvm or rbenv. In the two days you already wasted you could have done this.
What exactly does it mean when you say “it just wont”? Errormessage? What happens, what do you expect to happen instead? What are you actually doing?