Even a simple rails app won't work.

Hi all,

I'm making this post, because I JUST downloaded a ruby executable from ruby website. Then ran the command "gem install rails" to install rails.

All was good and done, up until this point. Now I wanted to make sure - that everything was in place. So I went to C: and ran the commands to make sure everything was working:

rails hello

cd hello

ruby script/generate controller Hello index

ruby script/server

Sqllite3 is not installed To install Sqllite3 database follow what is given here     http://blog.emson.co.uk/2008/06/installing-sqlite3-on-windows-for-rails/

Install sqllite3 gem using this command     gem install sqlite3-ruby-1.2.1-mswin32.gem

Hope this helps.


Vlad Chvorun wrote:

Hi all,

I'm making this post, because I JUST downloaded a ruby executable from ruby website. Then ran the command "gem install rails" to install rails.

The reason they know you don't have sqlite3 installed, which is what the current version of rails uses by default, is from this message at the top of the trace:

Thanks in advance..... ___________________________________________________________________

/!\ FAILSAFE /!\ Thu Apr 30 00:42:34 -0700 2009   Status: 500 Internal Server Error   no such file to load -- sqlite3 <-----*********

You can use another database if you want, like mysql, but then you need to edit the file config/database.yml and change it to something like this:

development:   adapter: mysql   encoding: utf8   database: hello_development   username: root   password:   host: localhost

No matter what database you have installed or will install, you also have to install a gem that allows ruby to talk to your database.

By the way, my book, AWDWR(3rd), which was just published says windows users should install InstantRails.

1) Create a folder with no spaces in the name for the installation directory.

2) Go to the instant rails website and download the latest .zip file and put it in your folder created in step 1.

3) Unzip the file if your system didn't do it automatically.

4) Navigate to InstantRails-2.0 directory and double click the InstantRails icon.

--click OK if there is a popup that asks to regenerate configuration files --firewall: safest course is to choose Keep Blocking

5) A small instant rails window should appear. Click the I button in top left corner. From the menu select Rails Application, then Open Ruby Console Window.

6) A command window should pop up pointing to the rails_apps directory. --type the command ruby -v and hit enter --type the command rails -v and hit enter

7) Always use an InstantRails window to enter commands in -- NOT a regular Windows command window.

8) Update rubygems and rails:

C:\rails_apps> gem update --system C:\rails_apps> gem update rails