Lots of people have been getting sqlite3 errors with this so I thought
I would post how I got it working.
1. Install Ruby. (Go to http://rubyonrails.org/download and run the
Windows installer. At the time of writing, I ran rubyinstaller-1.9.2-
2. Install Ruby Gems. (At the time of writing I installed
rubygems-1.3.7.zip and then extracted the files and ran 'ruby
setup.rb' from the command line.)
3. Install Rails. ('gem install rails' from the command line.)
4. You need to make sure sqlite3.dll, mozcrt19.dll, and sqlite3.def
are in your ruby\bin directory and sqlite3 is in your gemfile. Also,
NONE of these are included in the libraries even if you try 'gem
install sqlite3' so you have to manually scavenge the web for them.
Once I did all this and restarted my console it worked!
1. Install Ruby...
2. Install Ruby Gems...
3. Install Rails...
4. You need to make sure sqlite3.dll, mozcrt19.dll, and sqlite3.def
are in your ruby\bin directory and sqlite3 is in your gemfile.