Stuck with rails installation.

Hello folks,

I have downloaded the rails installer(ruby 2.1) from ""\. Installed it on my 32 bit machine. It installed nicely.

It even created a skeleton app. Inside that app, I did a "bundle install" just to make sure that every gem come in my application. I could see numerous gems got installed after it. To my excitement, even server was also running(rails s). But what happened later bursts my excitement.

When I type "localhost:3000" in my browser, I see below error which I am not able to get rid of.

ERROR LoadError: Please install the sqlite3 adapter: 'gem install ativerecord-dqlite-adapter' <sqlite3 is not part of the bundle. Add it to Gemfile.>

Fair enough message.

Big BUT is that I can not even install sqlite3 manually with gem install sqlite3 or after adding it GemFile. It was already added in the GemFile though.

I won't mind sharing my Gemfile if any one is interested to help me.


Did You do some changes in config database.yml file for accessing database also which database you are using?

Why not?

Hello Hemant, I have specifically started a blog just for windows users working on rails.

Please check this.

It has just a couple of posts, but will definitely help you.

Suggestions welcome



Why not?

I am sorry! Is that a question or you are asking me to share my GemFile?

Paramnoor Singh wrote in post #1169545:

Did You do some changes in config database.yml file for accessing database also which database you are using?

Hey Paramnoor,

Ohh. Do I need to install MySql first? I am not using any database right now. I relying on sqlite completely.

He is asking you to share the errormessage you get when trying to install manually, commands you invoke included! Oh an please don’t screenshot, but copy and paste your terminal.

Norbert Melzer wrote in post #1169549:

He is asking you to share the errormessage you get when trying to install manually, commands you invoke included! Oh an please don't screenshot, but copy and paste your terminal.

Ohh. I apologise for not understanding his concern.. Message I get is:

gem install sqlite3

ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'sqlite3' <>= 0>, here is why: Unable to download data from - SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed <;

Hemant, visit this page Follow either of the methods given there.




Thanks. This was a good lead.

But my problem does not end here. Now, I seems to have caught in some other mess, it seems.

After copying the certificate from(gist.github..), I tried to start my server again. All it gives me is:

'require' : can not load such file -- sqlite3/sqlite_native <LoadError> from blah blah blah..

Hello Hemant,

When I started learning rails I was using windows and like you I found many things I couldn't understand, then I switched to mac, all was easier. But the true is that till today the platform where I find myself more productive is on Ubuntu. On Ubuntu many of the tools are free and easier to install, I have a virtual Machine with Ubuntu and there's no issues, besides my own ignorance some times. So I advise you to go this route: Use Ubuntu, install RVM, Install Git, Install all that you want, I even use eclipse as a ruby source code editor, make it your world first, and then for each rails project create a small shell script inside your skeleton folder, mine is like this: Filename: Content: #! /bin/bash --login

rvm use ruby-2.0.0-p598@toy_app --create exec /bin/bash --login

echo 'Toy_App Environment Ready to Rock and Roll!'

Hello Hemant,

I check the error it not really due to database missing. When I first time working on window it occur then I create “cacert.pem” file in folder where rails install. Please check attach file and the code.

cacert.pem (250 KB)