Why doesn't Heroku show the Rails default page?

Following chapter (1) of the Ruby on Rails tutorial: http://railstutorial.org/, I was able to successfuly push the application to "Heroku" using:

git push heroku master

But, when I open the website, I get a page with the following:

App crashed This application is temporarily offline. If you're the administrator of this app, please check your heroku logs for the backtrace.

Why is that? And, why don't I see the default Rails page?


I presume you checked the heroku logs as instructed. What did they say?


u know why it is happening.. heroku uses postgresql as default.. so if u r using sqlite3 u should disable that.. u can do that by commenting one single line in ur gemfile that will like gem require=>sqlite3 or something like that... then do:

heroku config:add BUNDLE_WITHOUT="development:test"

then again commit and push it to heroku...i am sure ur application will definitely work...

venkata reddy wrote in post #967814:

u know why it is happening.. heroku uses postgresql as default.. so if u r using sqlite3 u should disable that.. u can do that by commenting one single line in ur gemfile that will like gem require=>sqlite3 or something like that... then do:

heroku config:add BUNDLE_WITHOUT="development:test"

then again commit and push it to heroku...i am sure ur application will definitely work...

Thanks a lot all for your replies.

It worked when I did this in the Gemfile (Based on http://railstutorial.org/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-book)

gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :require => 'sqlite3', :group => :developmen