Vanilla Rails 2.1 and Unit Test Error

I did a basic rails 2.1 command and made a basic model and ran the unit tests with rake, I get this error:

LoadError: no such file to load — test_helper

I went back and compared my old unit tests from other projects to the one that was generated, this is what I found:

RAILS 2.1: require 'test_helper'

RAILS 2.0.2: require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'

Now, if I copy/paste my old rails 2.0.2 require statement, it works perfectly. Did this get overlooked?

I'm learning from this book to currently and got snagged on the test chapter because of this same error - Pragmatic Bookshelf: By Developers, For Developers

It has me run a test directly like 'ruby test/unit/meeting_test.rb . I just changed the require at the top from:

require 'test_helper'


require 'test/test_helper'

I don't know if this will help you when running from rake though, but it worked for me. Perhaps this is a mistake with 2.1.0. I'm don't know. I'm a noob.