Thanks Michael... I've set it up now.. (don't worry I had a back on
a clone disk.....!! just in case)
installed the MySQL 5.1.38 (x86_64) and gem mysql (x_86_64)
all my gems are up and running now (rubygems 1.3.5, Rails 2.3.4, Ruby
1.8.7... I even installed Ruby 1.9 for testing purposes...)
my major concern (and reason of being upset..) was this non-info
about 64-bits equipment with EFI32....!! it was not clear at all in
all googled posts what to do in this case
I could understand Apple not being concerned by non-Apple dev
environment, but I am using it as a Unix dev machine (I also run a
Linux server w Debian)
I feel your pain. Having switched from Windows to OS X I thought that
such issues were behind me. I felt that Apple hid behinds their terms
a little with this upgrade.
Whilst I agree with Robert Walker's comments on 'it's your
responsibility' I still feel that Apple dropped the ball slightly on
this one
The biggest issue I had was recovering data from my mysql data, in the
end i couldn't and used a backup
you should have :
1- installed your new MySQL version
2- created a /etc/my.conf file with a single entry pointing to the old
database files
3 tell your new MySQL server to upgrade the files :
sudo mysql_upgrade -u root -p
and that's it... very useful each time you upgrade your MySQL
I also had a lot of issues, but decided to use this as an excuse to re-
build my machine (reverting back to my Windows mindset). With regard
to Ruby development I carried out the following
I also have an EFI 32 machine
Left ruby as it was
Installed the 64bit version of mysql
ran the following for the mysql gem
sudo env ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-
If you are not doing a rebuild it is worth uninstalling and re-
installing the following gems / apps
ruby port
image magic and rmagick
Once this was done all is well
I guess the moral of the tale is that OS's are complex beasts and
Apple just like Microsoft are full of human beings; so backup before
doing anything major
The sad thing is that I haven't really seen any improvements with Snow
Leopard ....
I guess we are running mostly in 32-bits... I hope Apple will unlock
64-bits kernel/extensions for us soon, w some new firmware .....
so full 64 should bring better performances....