Lots of ruby/rails developers are Mac users so I thought this might be
of interest here.
Here are some bumps I've had in the upgrade.
1) If you are using any macport installed software, get a list before
you upgrade:
$port installed > myports.txt
You're going to need to get the latest Xcode and macports and
reinstall al of your ports. I couldn't get a list of ports after I
reinstalled macports, and port wouldn't work at all before I did.
Don't know if this is similar if you use fink, since I don't use it.
2) Backup any crucial mysql dbs before the upgrade. Luckily for me I
didn't have any CRUCIAL dbs.
3) Not exactly sure about this one, but I found that after the
upgrade, I had rubygems 1.2.0!!!!!! and it couldn't be updated to the
latest. Not sure exactly why, since I ended up installing ruby and
gems from source, which is what I normally do since I prefer to have
control over what version(s) I'm running and not be dependent on
Apple. I do the same thing on my linux system.
My theory as to what happened here was that since I'd bypassed the
ruby install on Leopard by symlinking from /usr/bin to the source
installed binaries, the Snow Leopard install got confused and I ended
up with the old Leopard installed rubygems being active. But I'm not
I'm not sure if it's still the case as I haven't tried snow leopard
yet but...
I noticed with the transition from tiger to leopard that Apple
replaced my /usr/local with a new empty directory. Thus everything
that used /usr/local as its' base directory (typically all FSF code)
was eliminated from my system. So much for the notion of /usr/local
being available for developer use.
What I did was to create /opt/local as my new local space and install
public software with that as the root. Of course, /opt/local resides
on a second drive that is not turned on when installing OSX.
Related to snow leopard, does XCode still come with the OSX
Yes, it's on the disk. And easer to find than it was on the Leopard
(or maybe it was Tiger) where the additional installs folder was
scrolled off the finder view.
All is broken on my computer after snow leopard. Sphinx doesn't work,
ImageMagick doesn't, rmagick doesn't, mysql plugin has failed and
quite possibly more things.
So I haven't read too much about the snow leopard changes but is it
possible that the executable format (or dynamic link format) has
changed? Why would everything stop working?
So I haven't read too much about the snow leopard changes but is it
possible that the executable format (or dynamic link format) has
changed? Why would everything stop working?
For the 64-bit installs of SL, yes. Not the executable format so much
as the instruction format and addressing. This is the first major
kernel upgrade ... maybe since OSX came out. You'll have to do some
rebuilding. I took a scorched-earth approach and:
- Noted which gems I have installed
- Wiped out MacPorts completely
- Rebuilt mysql
- Rebuilt Ruby 1.8.7 (Rails 3 will need this as a minimum)
- Rebuilt Ruby 1.9
- Reinstalled rubygems
- Installed gems in priority order. I'm waiting for stuff to break
before littering my system with unnecessary gems
Note that because my Mac is a Macbook Pro, I don't have any 64-bitness
to worry about.