Can anyone help me out why im getting this error: "undefined method `text_field_with_auto_complete' for #<ActionView::Base:0x2472460>"
I been trying to follow a tutorial here =>
and cant cant anything working because of this error.
Im using Raisl 2.0.2
VIEW <% form_tag :action => 'create' do %> <%= text_field_with_auto_complete('suburb', 'name', { :size => 40 }, { :after_update_element => 'auto_complete_on_select' }) %> ....(more fields).... <%= submit_tag "Create" %> <% end %>
CONTROLLER def auto_complete_for_suburb_name find_options = { :conditions => [ "LOWER(name) LIKE ?", params[:suburb] [:name].downcase + '%' ], :order => "name ASC", :limit => 10 } @suburbs = Suburb.find(:all,find_options) render :inline => "<%= indexed_auto_complete_result @suburbs, 'business_suburb_id', 'name', 'id' %>" end
any ideas?