Could help me out through team viewer? I've had so much trouble trying to get RoR running if some one could help me out it would be amazing!
First tell us which operating system you are on, how you have tried to install it, and what the problem is.
I'm working on windows 7 I'm using the "RailsInstaller" that has everything in one Download. I'm getting "no gemfiles found"
Sorry, can't help with Windows I am afraid. Most using RoR use Mac or Linux (often Ubuntu). Personally I would recommend that you either dual boot your PC with Ubuntu or run Ubuntu in a VirtualBox or VMWare virtual machine. Others may disagree.
Any Windows users out there that can help Mathew?
The message you're getting is most likely because you're invoking bundler (bundle command line) from a directory that is not a Rails application or contains a Gemfile
Have you tried "CD" into the application directory and then execute your commands?
Have you tried "CD" into the application directory and then execute your commands?
Yes I did cd into it same thing
If is not much to ask, include the exact output you're getting and what are you doing, for us to try to help you (in our time) we need to get the full picture.
For example:
Is this happening with the sample application that RailsInstaller install?
Which version of RailsInstaller did you install?
Was the only one? (there is no other version of Ruby or RailsInstaller in your system)
Are you using the Start Command Prompt with Rails shortcut?
What does "bundle --version" report to you?
What does "bundle check" report to you?
What is the exact output of "bundle install"?
What are the contents of the Gemfile?
And no, not everybody can do a TeamViewer session to help you solve your problem, finding the right time slot across timezones, work and others is almost impossible (and we are not paid to do it anyway)
This is what I get when I open up Aptana and make a new project:
Owner@OWNER-PC ~/My Documents/Aptana Studio 3 Workspace/project $ rails new . sh: /c/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.2/bin/rails: C:/Projects/railsinstaller/stage/Ruby1.9.2/bin/ruby.exe: bad interpreter : No such file or directory
This is what I get when I open up Aptana and make a new project:
If wasn't for the last 2 messages, the mention that you type this in the Aptana shell and not a normal command prompt would have been impossible to determine the issue.
Aptana uses a MSYS shell. RailsInstaller and the version of Ruby it uses are native Windows executables.
I highly recommend YOU AVOID using the Aptana shell to run Rails or the commands of Rails.
Owner@OWNER-PC ~/My Documents/Aptana Studio 3 Workspace/project $ rails new . sh: /c/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.2/bin/rails: C:/Projects/railsinstaller/stage/Ruby1.9.2/bin/ruby.exe: bad interpreter : No such file or directory
"Bad interpreter" is being caused by the Aptana shell (an MSYS version of bash) is failing to create the child process ruby.exe
Most likely, because ruby.exe was installed in C:\RailsInstaller \Ruby1.9.2\bin\ruby.exe but "rails" script is attempting to load C: \Projects\railsinstaller\stage\Ruby1.9.2\bin\ruby.exe
That is due the shebang of the script "rails"
MSYS shell does not work with "rake.bat", the right script that will fire properly Ruby.
If you still want to use Aptana, you will need to change the shebang (google for what is it) to "#!/usr/bin/env ruby" (without quotes). Also ensure gems are installed with --env-shebang
The other alternative is do:
ruby -S rails new foo
And replace all your commands "rails" by "ruby -S rails", that means adding "ruby -S" at the beginning of all the command line commands.
If you still want to use Aptana, you will need to change the shebang (google for what is it) to "#!/usr/bin/env ruby" (without quotes). Also ensure gems are installed with --env-shebang
Well I tried to get redcar to work and no luck with that either watch should I do/use for this?
Should I be using a different program and just delete Aptana?
You don't need an ide for RoR. Just use a good editor that understands ruby syntax and run commands in the terminal window.
Could you explain a little more? Is there any video out there?
Should I be using a different program and just delete Aptana?
You don't need an ide for RoR. Just use a good editor that understands ruby syntax and run commands in the terminal window.
Explain what a little more? Make sure you quote the previous message so that it is clear what you are asking about
Yeah my bad sorry. But I don't fully understand what you are saying.
How would I use a regular editor and just use the terminal?
You just open your folder project in a text editor and work there as usual, in a terminal you have to go into your folder and just start the server with “rails s”.
Isn't that more work though? if I could open it up in the text editor with the rails stuff that pops up wouldn't that be a bit easier?
You have already wasted more time trying to get it working than you
would save by using it in months of work
In fact you might find the operation slower using an IDE due to its
overheads and that you actually work quicker by switching windows
between editor and console windows.