HI Conrad,
Unsure if I’m supposed to reply to you or the group or both (shows how
much of a newbie I am). Please let me know if I should just reply to
the group in the future…Here’s what I posted to the group:
Please always post to the group so that others can follow the thread unless someone
says otherwise.
Thanks Conrad,
So, for example.
1.I downloaded Ruby and stored on my C drive
2.then I downloaded RubyGems. I tried using the command line to
extract Gems (per instructions: ruby setup.rb) but that didn’t work. I
seem to have problems with command line btw. No matter, I found the
RubyGems.exe file and ran it by double clicking. Ok so far, I think.
- Instructions state to install rails via command line with "gem
install rails" (I’m within the Ruby directory cuz that’s where gem is
stored) but I get an error message that says: "gem is not recognized
as an internal or external command, operable program or batch
file"…still no matter (perhaps) because I saw that something already
loaded rails into another directory
…so to this point the installation is not going according to RoR’s
download instructions
Now, you’ll need to add the parent directory ruby.exe and gem.exe to
your PATH. For now, you can go to the location gem.exe and perform
the following to install the current version of rails.
gem install rails
gem.exe install rails
- assuming that I have Ruby, RubyGems, and Rails, it appears to me I
should move onto the next step: creating an application skeleton. but
I don’t understand what i’m supposed to do with the instructions:
rails path/to/your/new/application
The above command creates a rails application.
cd path/to/your/new/application
The above command changes your current directory to
the root of the rails application you created in the previous
ruby script/server
The above command starts the web server.
What is that command doing? What’s my new application? Is there an
example of path/to/your/new/application is supposed to look like or am
I suppsed to type exactly what’s above (which doesn’t seem right to
Please see my above comments. Also, I would recommend completing
the following tutorial starting with step 3.2: