Suggested books for the complete Noveice

Hi, I am new in this group, if I want to learn rubyonrails what should I do first. I am very much interested to learn rails as I saw a video and make simple blog following that and then I started feeling that I should learn this language. About me, I have completed the basic java and I understand OOP concept and I can understand and write php codes.

If I get some suggestion from you it would help to find the way fast and easy to learn it completey.

I highly recommend the Ruby on Rails books by Pragmatic Publishers

also take a look at





Great book and it is libre (free as in freedom)!

Although it is libre, it has a libre free (as in beer) version online and a libre comercial version in PDF .

Thanks, to all my dear for your helping hand. Dear Jason White I would like give thanks in advance that I have choosen you highly recommended book Agile Web Development with Rails. I am going to start learning rails from this books, now please help me to give a little information, is there any prerequisite skills or any other language required to understand rails? I understand OOP concept, I learn java and php and I have the basic knowledge of C language.


You will also need Ruby, the Pickaxe book is highly recommended (Pragmatic Bookshelf: By Developers, For Developers) and SQL of course assuming that you are using a conventional database.


Yeah you do need to learn Ruby to use Rais, but the good thing is that most beginner and even some advanced Rails book make an assumption you do not. It was for me like that, and I learned both simultaniously :slight_smile: Now I remember how hard it was for the authors to explain symbols, but now its so obvious. I feel like this particular concept really should be ‘felt’ rather ‘learned’. Good learning :slight_smile:

Oh and I would recommend book “Foundation Rails”. I like that one the most from the crowd. That covers Rails 2.x very well. Rails 3 got some very new things comming, but at least Amazon search gave me only results for books that are only for pre-order as of now.

Ok dear, I will check all of your suggested books. You people are really so helpful. I am grateful to all of you.:slight_smile: