Submitted a patch, got pluses, what now?

Hello Rails people,

I submitted a patch recently to get rid of an annoying exception raised when an AR

object is created - , had some people review it,

got some pluses… What am I supposed to do now?

Can anybody advise or just review the patch and take care of the issue?


Sweet. Now you can wait for a core member to apply the patch. If you lose patience, you can always try to find a core guy in #rails-contrib irc channel at

> Can anybody advise or just review the patch and take care of the issue?

What you just did (posting about your ticket here) works too :wink: Your ticket is already verified so all that's left is to raise it to the attention of a Rails core committer so he can review and probably apply it. And this is a good place to get attention (as is #rails-contrib like Pratik suggested).

Cheers, Chu Yeow

Sweet. Now you can wait for a core member to apply the patch. If you lose patience, you can always try to find a core guy in #rails-contrib irc channel at

And bear in mind that the last 10 days or so have been quiet, what
with christmas and new year and all that (and now dealing with the
backlog of emails etc... from the past 10 days)
