sqlite3-ruby gem installation is driving me crazy

I installed Rails 1.8.6 on a Panther system. Everything is ok but I can't install sqlite3-ruby gem. This is the terminal result:

I solved the problem using this command line: sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby -- --with-sqlite3-include=/opt/local/ include --with-sqlite3-lib=/opt/local/lib the problem was that the sqlite3 was not installed in the default locations.

Thanks again, G.

I see the problem with install gem sqlite3-ruby. This way help me to fix it! Just install developer headers for provide compile the library from sources. SQLite3:

Without the -d option, rails will default to sqlite. To install SQLite3:

~$ sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-0 libsqlite3-dev ~$ sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby

pReload wrote: