sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby
sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby
Yes, when you install many gems, they get built natively, so you need development libraries for that to work correctly.
Peace, Phillip
I’m using Suse10.3, with yast you can install the sqlite3 gem + yast shall automatic install all other libs you need. No problem with Suse.
What about on windows?
Thufir, For Windows try: Source:
If those don’t work try the official download site here
I'm not on Windows at the moment. I put the DLL into /WINDOWS/System32/ but just put the binary into C:\sqlite\... and then added the location of the binary to the PATH variable through sysdm.cpl, could this be a problem?
I was getting some annoying errors when running an app on the Windows system (after putting the require 'rubygems' into the .rb files). Not a rails app, but it was using ActiveRecord and sqlite.
In Windows, I could get into sqlite3 through the command line easily, and the sqlite add-on for Firefox worked fine.
Ask gem to install version 1.2.3 (since that one is available as a prebuilt win32 gem)