Source code for AWDWR (first edition)

I'm looking for the source code of AWDWR, first edition.

The PragProg site has the second edition now and I'm not able to find the sources for the first edition anymore.

Anybody knows where I can find them?

Thanks AA

You really should not use that book unless you plan on only using rails 1.1 and not 1.2 or 2.0. It is not current now, and will be *way* out of date very soon when rails 2.0 comes out. Put that in the recycle bin and get the second edition.


aa wrote:

I can confirm William Pratt's comment: many, many things, and important ones, changed between the first and second edition. I had read the 2nd edition, and then someone gave me a copy of the 1st edition PDF which I perused; it could steer you in completely the wrong direction!).

Agile Web Development with Rails is, as far as I can tell, by far the best and most complete course of information about Rails available. I have read others and, in my opinion, none comes close. If you don't want to pay for the hard copy, get the PDF of the second edition from PragProg.


Amen. A week or so ago, someone posted some problems following the 1st ed, and I counseled him to update.

I've got both, but the only time I find the 1st edition helpful is when I have to do maintenance work on a site which has not been upgraded to 1.2+

aa wrote:

I'm looking for the source code of AWDWR, first edition.

The PragProg site has the second edition now and I'm not able to find the sources for the first edition anymore.

Anybody knows where I can find them?

Thanks AA

Here you go:

Thanks to everybody. Shame on me for letting the book get some dust on a shelf for more than 1 year. AA