I have acquired a new online web company that was programmed in Ruby on Rails and I am having a very difficult time finding anyone who writes or works with this language to fix some minor issues and add some major features. I live in the Boston area. Any ideas where I can start looking for a dependable and competent Ruby developer? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Jon
Hi Jon,
I have acquired a new online web company that was programmed in Ruby on Rails and I am having a very difficult time finding anyone who writes or works with this language to fix some minor issues and add some major features. I live in the Boston area. Any ideas where I can start looking for a dependable and competent Ruby developer? Any help would be much appreciated.
A good starting point would be the local Ruby Brigade. The Boston area group appears to be pretty active. Info and contacts at http://bostonrb.rubybrigade.org/
There are several online sites that specialize in Ruby on Rails positions. Google 'Ruby on Rails jobs' and you'll see where developers may be going to look for work.
HTH, Bill
Revolution Man wrote:
I have acquired a new online web company that was programmed in Ruby on Rails and I am having a very difficult time finding anyone who writes or works with this language to fix some minor issues and add some major features. I live in the Boston area. Any ideas where I can start looking for a dependable and competent Ruby developer? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Jon
I don't know if you need the person to be their physically. But I'm currently unemployed and have been working with Rails since 1.1. I'm in CT close to Ny, NY.
thanks alot Bill
I do not need them to be there physically but would like to be within driving distance so that we could meet from time to time to discuss in person, the details and the needs of the business.
You're welcome. And best of luck with your new venture!
Jonathan Dalton wrote:
I do not need them to be there physically but would like to be within driving distance so that we could meet from time to time to discuss in person, the details and the needs of the business.
Well I'm interested, so if you want we can take this to private email.
Ok, send me your email add and I will contact you
Jonathan Dalton wrote:
Ok, send me your email add and I will contact you
Ah didn't notice that ruby-forum blocks it out
mohammad {dot} elabid !at! gmail.com - I get enough spam as it is XD
Some job board options (I believe they all cost to post an ad), roughly from oldest to newest:
http://jobs.rubyinside.com/a/jbb/find-jobs http://jobs.github.com/ http://toprubyjobs.com/
Some are Ruby or Rails specific, others aren't. Those that aren't are still prominent in the community.
If you are open to a freelancer, you might also check http://freelanceswitch.com/.
Cheers, Walter