I have acquired a new online web company that was programmed in Ruby on Rails and I am having a very difficult time finding anyone who writes or works with this language to fix some minor issues and add some major features. I live in the Boston area. Any ideas where I can start looking for a dependable and competent Ruby developer? Any help would be wonderful. Thanks, Jon
workingwithrails.com is probably a good place to start - this list isn't bad either. You may get more attention if you can mention specifics - what Rails version, what source control system, and so forth. "A Rails app" could mean a lot of things - everything from a fresh app running on the latest version, to a creaky mess that's still running on 1.x; each requires a different sort of development work.
--Matt Jones
Hi Jon,
- this list isn't bad either.
Many of us, myself included, enjoy hearing about openings for Ruby on Rails developers. Others, not so much. To accommodate both, we've developed a convention regarding such.
Specifically, from the groups home page on Google Groups:
"If you're posting about an open job position or looking for a Rails developer, please prefix your subject with [JOBS]."
Best regards and best of luck, Bill
Thanks Bill, I do appreciate your time in letting me know this.