Routes for common site area

I have the following basic routes but I think they are competing.

  map.connect 'purecontent/:controller/:action/:id'   map.connect 'secure/:action/:id', :controller => "secure"   map.connect ':action/:id', :controller => "site"   map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'   map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format'

The bottom two are by default.

I added the first to create a landing page for a namespaces Admin controllers, which I simply access at: /pureconent/

The second is for a controller to a user section accessed at: /secure/ It is a standard controller, with only simple actions: index, login, logout.

The third is for my basic site actions to appear as: /, /staff, / contact, etc

So, here are my questions: Should my first route simply be a map.purecontent "/ purecontent/", :controller => ....?

I think my second and third routes are competing, as I access /secure and it seems to go to the site controller, but /secure/ is correct. How can I better setup these routes?

Is there a way to force the trailing slash, i.e. secure/?

I feel the secure section should be standard. And I'd like to avoid map.pagename for all these pages. None of my pages have params such as :id, so this is a pretty basic site. Any direction would be appreciated.