I am embarking on my first ever rails project (yay!) and would like to solicit any advise or warnings while I'm in the planning stage. Here is the impetus for my project:
I am product supply manager at a small research company. I inherited a really clunky, buggy inventory management system. It is basically a hastily assembled front-end someone put together in visual studio with a SQL Express backend database. The front-end generates constant bugs and like the database behind it was simply not designed for our work flow. I've tweaked the system as much as I can in the back-end(I don't have source code for the front end), but I'm sick of dealing with it. I'm ready to start from scratch.
Reading through the zeitgeist (aka google) I've become attracted to Rails for implementing my project. I need a quick uptime and a kind learning curve, as I will be doing all the coding myself. I have done a little java, vbasic and c so I'm familiar with the basics of object- oriented programming and I've found the ruby tutorials I've been working through to be quite accessible. I have a pretty good idea just from learning the basics how I can set up the system I envision, but there are a couple details where I really have no idea of Rails' capability.
In particular, I would like both pc's and mobile devices to interact with my database on an almost-equal footing. Workers should be able to quickly identify and perform transactions on inventory items by scanning their barcodes and the database should be updated remotely in real time. Is it possible to interact with hardware components of a mobile device (like a camera or scanner) from the context of a web browser and use it in a meaningful way through Rails?
I'd also appreciate anyone who can point me toward helpful resources for developing business intelligence apps in Rails.
Apologies in advance if this is a stupid question, I'm very new to