Newbie Advice - Is ROR right for this project?


I have a project that I was thinking about using RoR for - before i start thought i would ask for some advice.

I have no programming experience - limited web design (joomla and frontpage - so "design" is probably pushing it .. !)

I am looking to create a stock management system for use @ work. It will have the ability to keep track of equipment as it gets booked on to a project and then checking it back in to the store when it is finished. It will have the ability to look forward and see where any item will be and how many are left in stock.

I am happy to put time in to learn RoR but before i start:

Am I mad to attempt this - is something else more suitable ? I am looking at getting the sitepoint book on learning RoR - anyone else recommend other sources - I have found stuff through google - but obviously personal recommendations can dig out some better stuff !

Thanks in advance



I have a project that I was thinking about using RoR for - before i start thought i would ask for some advice.

I have no programming experience - limited web design (joomla and frontpage - so "design" is probably pushing it .. !)

I am looking to create a stock management system for use @ work. It will have the ability to keep track of equipment as it gets booked on to a project and then checking it back in to the store when it is finished. It will have the ability to look forward and see where any item will be and how many are left in stock.

I am happy to put time in to learn RoR but before i start:

That sounds perfectly doable, and there's nothing like a concrete task
to learn something like RoR. Especially for someone without previous
programming experience, I would strongly recommend you make sure you
are are happy with ruby and object oriented concepts in general before
evening opening a book on Rails.


Mattr wrote:


I am looking to create a stock management system for use @ work. It will have the ability to keep track of equipment as it gets booked on to a project and then checking it back in to the store when it is finished. It will have the ability to look forward and see where any item will be and how many are left in stock.

Thanks in advance


Perfectly doable. Just don't fall into my trap of trying to be too clever too soon. Rails has a way of sparking your imagination, but my skills are struggling to keep up :slight_smile:


Early on in the development, don't stress too much about "keeping code DRY (Dont Repeat Yourself)", or refactoring methods out of models into a mixin, or any of that intermediate to advanced stuff.

Get the basics up and running.

'ruby script/generate scaffold modelname field:type field:type etc'

is your friend early on. As you build more pieces and parts, and your comfort level with RoR increases, you'll begin to see points where you can apply additional RoR or M-V-C concepts.

The framework does a good job of steering you to the "right" answer, and if you find it really hard to do something, odds are there is an easier way you just don't know yet. Sometimes doing it the wrong or long way first makes you appreciate the correct way later (and reinforces the lesson).

An application of 10,000 lines begins with but a single generate. :wink:

Matt, I'm currently converting my Asset Tracker product written in Delphi to RonR. I expect to have it up and running in a few months. Kathleen