rails default route to database

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to extend the Rails Router so that if none of the routes defined matches the current query it will call a specific method which will return the controller and method to be called in order to serve the request.

Now I have a few years of experience with Rails and Ruby and I've tried looking through the code, but I've never been into the Rails core so I'm not really sure where to look.

I'm trying to do this in Rails 3.1

Look forward to your replies.

Many Thanks, Victor

I'm trying to extend the Rails Router so that if none of the routes defined matches the current query it will call a specific method which will return the controller and method to be called in order to serve the request.

Now I have a few years of experience with Rails and Ruby and I've tried looking through the code, but I've never been into the Rails core so I'm not really sure where to look.

You shouldn't need to dig into the source... just add something like this as the *very last* route..

  match '*full_url', :controller => :foo, :action => :index

Then make sure you've got a FooController with a #index action that can examine params[:full_url] and figure out what to do with it...


Thanks for your reply. Actually I want to go a bit deeper so that I can decide what to do with the path before the controller method gets called. In other words I need to have a method called that will determine which controller and action will be called.