I'm just getting started with Rails 2. Plus, it's been a while since I played with Rails at all. So to explore, I whipped out an old Rails tutorial (from an O'Reilly book) and started going through it, to refresh my memory. This is just a simple "Hello world" experiment.
I created my rails app, cd'd into it, started the server, and created a simple controller:
script/generate controller greeting
So I tried to talk my controller in the browser:
And I got a routing error, "no route matches ... with method get".
I found this a bit hard to understand, because routes.db has the default routes, so my controller name should work from a GET request. But, nothing daunted, I added some overkill routing at the top of routes.db:
map.resources :greeting
Now http://localhost:3000/greeting was routed properly; of course there was no index action but now at least I got the expected error message telling me so, I wrote an index method, and all was well; hello, world.
But here's the weird part. I then *deleted* the map.resources line from routes.db, and my app nevertheless continued working. I can rake routes and sure enough only the default routes are in force. So it looks like maybe this a bug in Rails, where it takes some manual jiggering to get the default routes operating properly? Anyway I figure this must be well known, so maybe someone could just explain it to me? No big deal, but I like to understand what's going on, if possible - thx - m.