Problem installing latest ROR from scratch

I just tried to setup ROR from scratch. I followed the instructions on which is aptly titled to "Get Ruby On Rails in no time". However, I faced a couple of roadblocks along the way to a successful installation.

To make a long story short: I had to manually find and install the following dll's:

zlib.dll iconv.dll libssl32.dll/ssleay.dll/libeay32.dll

After copying those files to the ruby\bin directory I was finally able to create my first ROR app.

My system is WinXP 32bit/SP3.

Am I missing something, or is it just me having those issues?

Just in case you don't get any replies, try it out on a Linux virtual machine (maybe Most of the howtos you find online are OSX or Linux related and I've just found it easier to use Rails on that platform.

Ramon Tayag

Those instructions you linked to aren't platform specific. To install Rails on Windows, try the steps outlined in the first section of this article: