Hi, I have a question about the collection_select helper and how it saves using the update_attributes command. If I have a form_for using a model instance such as @person and have elements inside it like:
<%= f.text_field :lastName %>
and then want to include a selection drop down that has zip codes that are sourced from another table such as:
<%= collection_select @person, :zipCode, @allZipCodes, :zipCode, :zipCode %>
when I use the controller to update these fields using the command:
@person = People.find(params[:id]) @person.update_attributes(params[:person])
how do I get the collection_select to save its value automatically? If I do the above example, lastName is saved but what is selected in the drop-down is not. Am I using the wrong syntax? I haven't been able to get f.collection_select to work, so I'm not sure where to go from here (besides setting that attribute manually -- hopefully not!!!).
If you could help I'd definitely appreciate it. Thanks!