@#$%ing forms using collection_select

Good morning,

I have a form with 5 fields. When I click "Save", 3 of the 5 fields save to the database and the other 2 are saved as NULL.

The form code is attached.

The 2 fields that will not save are using collection_select. On the web page I can click on each of the drop down boxes and select an item, but for some reason they will not save to the database fields.

Thank you,


Attachments: http://www.ruby-forum.com/attachment/3381/form.txt

Good morning,

I have a form with 5 fields. When I click "Save", 3 of the 5 fields save to the database and the other 2 are saved as NULL.

The form code is attached.

The 2 fields that will not save are using collection_select. On the
web page I can click on each of the drop down boxes and select an item,
but for some reason they will not save to the database fields.

Hard to tell without the matching controller code but I'm guessing
that your controller code is expecting the collection_select
parameters to be in the same place as other ones (ie inside
params[:time_subtype], assuming that's the name of your model) but it
won't be because you're using a raw collection_select rather than
