
Hello New to ruby :slight_smile: i have to current code : xml.Worksheet 'ss:Name' => 'Sheet1' do

        xml.Table do

          # Header           xml.Row do

            for column in @model.content_columns do               xml.Cell do                 xml.Data column.human_name, 'ss:Type' => 'String'               end             end           end

          # Rows           for record in @export             xml.Row do               for column in @model.content_columns do                 xml.Cell do                   xml.Data record.send(, 'ss:Type' => 'String'                 end               end             end           end

        end       end

it does extract data to an excel worksheet. Where @model is the model name ( ex: User) and @export is record set( ex: @export=User.find(:all) )

i want to eliminate some columns of being extracted. Let's say i want to export just the first_name and not the whole table Any suggestion will be appreciated Thank you Fred

Hello New to ruby :slight_smile: i have to current code :

I have a feeling you've taken this code from somewhere on the web without first trying to understand it. Am I right? If so: DON'T DO THAT. Understand the code before you steal the code. But see below for my hint.

xml.Worksheet 'ss:Name' => 'Sheet1' do

    xml\.Table do

      \# Header
      xml\.Row do

        for column in @model\.content\_columns do
          xml\.Cell do
            xml\.Data column\.human\_name, 'ss:Type' => 'String'

      \# Rows
      for record in @export
        xml\.Row do
          for column in @model\.content\_columns do
            xml\.Cell do
              xml\.Data record\.send\(column\.name\), 'ss:Type' =>

'String' end end end end


it does extract data to an excel worksheet. Where @model is the model name ( ex: User) and @export is record set( ex: @export=User.find(:all) )

i want to eliminate some columns of being extracted. Let's say i want to export just the first_name and not the whole table Any suggestion will be appreciated

Your problem is you don't understand what @model.content_columns is doing: it's getting all the columns for that model. If you want only specific columns, then just get the data for the columns you want.


Hey though i didnt steal it from anywhere. it comes with a pluging as a sample code. I'm looking for help here and not for philosophers.

I use a find_by_sql instead of find(:all), so am just extracting 1 column (first_name). i got the following error : missing attribute: middle_name. maybe because the headers and columns numbers should map? Anyone have an idea about what's going on? Thank you

Anyone have an idea about what’s going on?


I use a find_by_sql instead of find(:all), so am just extracting 1

column (first_name).

i got the following error : missing attribute: middle_name.

maybe because the headers and columns numbers should map?

Doing a find_by_sql whilst only selecting some columns from the table won’t make content_columns play nicely because content_columns expects the returned object to have ALL the columns.

I’m looking for help here and not for philosophers.

May I point out to you that the help is free. Be prepared to get some responses you won’t like.