Newbee can not install rails

Hi Yusuf,

Did you download the .gem file? If so, that's not necessary and it's probably what's causing your problem. If you run "gem install rails" and there's a file called "rails*.gem" in the current directory it will try to install that file but it won't install the dependencies, hence the error message.

The easiest way to use Rubygems is to let it download the gems and their dependencies for you automatically. So if you delete that .gem file and try again, the installation should work.

Regards, Dave

Hi Yusuf,

ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)     Bad file descriptor - connect(2)(Errno::EBADF)

Yes, this happens from time to time. Rubyforge is great, but it can get a bit overloaded at times. Just try again until it works.

Regards, Dave

Hi Yusuf,

But what I've found Instant Rails which is all in one. You may have heard. Do you think if I install it and will solve my problems?

InstantRails is very popular but I've never used it. I prefer the power and flexibility of gems. But sure: there's no harm in trying it.

Regards, Dave