Installtion problem

Hi ,

     I'm using WindowsXP OS, i successfully installed Ruby and RubyGems

C:\>ruby -v ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i386-mswin32]

C:\>gem -v 0.9.4

and i downloaded rails-1.2.5.gem from to my C: Folder

but when i tried to install Rails it is throwing an error

C:\>gem install rails --include-dependencies ERROR: While executing gem ... (RuntimeError)     Error instaling rails:         rails requires activesupport = 1.4.4

Please, anyone can solve my prolem ASAP

Thanks Suchi

try installing with '-include--dependencies ' option set...

hth ~shishir

whopes, you've already tried that.... you may want to install it directly from web... don't download the tar ( delete it if it's present in the current dir) and then run 'gem install rails', it should ask for installing the dependencies automatically....


      I tried to install directly from web also

C:\>gem install rails ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)     A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly res pond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. - connect(2)(Errno::ETIMEDOUT)

I think it's behind firewall.

Please, now how can i install Rails on my system.

Thanks Suchi