Newbe - how to add onClick to select option?

I am just learning Ruby. I created a simple application where an record is added from a "new" view. Some input fields are defined as a select option (using a helper). Now I want to add a Javascript function with "onclick" function. How can I do it?


module MypagesHelper    def my_pictures     pictures = [ 'pic1', 'pic2', 'pic3', 'pic4','pic5','pic6' ]     pictures_list = pictures.sort     pictures_list.collect{|l| l}   end end

View: <% form_for(@mypage) do |f| %>   <%= f.error_messages %>

    <%= f.label :backgroud_picture %><br />   <%= :backgroud_picture, my_pictures %>



You probably don't want onClick; onChange is more likely to be more usable with a select box, but either way, just add it to the (here's an example I've used with a select_tag, but the principle's the same) :

    <%= select_tag("note[notes]", options_for_select([["quick note", ""], ["no answer", "Called, no answer"], ["no show", "Appointment no show"]]), :onchange => "if(this.value != '' && confirm('Create quick note?')){this.form.submit()}") %>

Michael Pavling wrote:

You probably don't want onClick; onChange is more likely to be more usable with a select box, but either way, just add it to the (here's an example I've used with a select_tag, but the principle's the same) :

    <%= select_tag("note[notes]", options_for_select([["quick note", ""], ["no answer", "Called, no answer"], ["no show", "Appointment no show"]]), :onchange => "if(this.value != '' && confirm('Create quick note?')){this.form.submit()}") %>

The onClick event is inconsistent between browsers when used on a select tag.

However, that being said, it's time to start using Unobtrusive JavaScript (UJS) techniques. It's the way Rails 3 does it, and it's time for us all to start doing it.