OnChange select

Try using :onchange

:onChange != :onchange


Hello arron

So i changer for   <%= f.select :zones , @pay.zones.collect {|c| [ c.Libelle, c.IDZoneGeographique ] }, {:onchange => 'this.form.submit();' } %>

But Nothing and more i don't see the code in my html view <select id="pay_zones" name="pay[zones]"><option value="0">AIN</option> <option value="1">Aisne</option></select>

I think :onchange belongs in the html_options filed of the select call instead of the options field. Try this:

<%= f.select :zones , @france.zones.collect {|c| [ c.Libelle, c.IDZoneGeographique ] }, {}, {:onChange => 'this.form.submit();' }%>


Thanks it's working