How to set onclick function for select_tag?

I want to use select_tag helper but how to set a onclick function? where should I define this function?


I don't think IE supports onlick on the select tag. You may want to look at setting the onclick for the options tags inside the select.

Ryan wrote:

I don't think IE supports onlick on the select tag. You may want to look at setting the onclick for the options tags inside the select.

Hi Ryan,

Can I let onclick refer to a function defined in the controller?

Zhao Yi wrote:

Can I let onclick refer to a function defined in the controller?

In HTML it's:


In Ruby that's :onclick => 'Ajax.Request(...)', natch.

To get the ... part, write remote_function or link_to_remote into a web page and view its source. That will show you how to pack the Request arguments.

Phlip wrote:

In HTML it's:


In Ruby that's :onclick => 'Ajax.Request(...)', natch.

To get the ... part, write remote_function or link_to_remote into a web page and view its source. That will show you how to pack the Request arguments.

--    Phlip

Sorry I am new to rails and don't understand your comments. I have a select box and I want whenever its value changed, other text field value will change accordingly. Could you please give me an example for this?



Take a look at the excelent screencasts by Ryan Bates (specially episode #88 and others on AJAX, RJS and JQuery) at:

Cheers, Sazima