
I would like to use the multi_db gem to connect to multiple slave databases. It looks pretty easy as long as your app has a single application database. For example: production:   adapter: mysql   database: a_production   username: blahblah   password:   host:   port: 3306

production_slave_database_1:   adapter: mysql   database: a_production   username: blahblah   password:   host:   port: 3306

production_slave_database_2:   adapter: mysql   database: a_production   username: blahblah   password:   host:   port: 3306

The issue I am having is I can't figure out how to configure it to work with multiple application databases. Let's say your app has 2 databases, your main app database and data database. The app database has users info and user created info while the data database has a lot of read only data that gets updated say...once a week.

You might create a production:   adapter: mysql . . . production_data:   adapter: mysql . . .

Then you might want slave/s for each of those databases. You can use establish_connection in the models that need to access the production_data database. There is a way to do it with masochism like this:

##example, showing the setup of a different master/slave combo using setup_for config.after_initialize do     ActiveReload::ConnectionProxy.setup!     ActiveReload::ConnectionProxy.setup_for SpeciesSchemaWriter, SpeciesSchemaModel   end But, as far as I know you can only use a single slave with masochism, is that true?

Thanks for any help. Erik