migrate problem

I have problem in "rake db:migrate"

I have created database name "pravin" & rails apllication "ankit" (C:\InstantRails-2.0-win_2\rails_apps\rails ankit).After configre .YML file and moving (C:\InstantRails-2.0-win_2\rails_apps\cd ankit) I am running

C:\InstantRails-2.0-win_2\rails_apps\ankit\rake db:migrate

then error is coming like that

(in C:\InstantRails-2.0-win_2\rails_apps\ankit) rake aborted! error in line 4 and coln 11 : databse:pravin (see full trace rake)

please help me out

thanks pravin mishra india pravinmishra88@gmail.com

yaml is very particular about spaces. Make sure your yaml file is correctly formatted.

Hi pravin,

Please check the spelling of "database" on line 4 and coln 11

Might Help.



run rake db:migrate --trace then post error here