rails xxx database=mysql produces invalid database.yml under Windows

Hi All,

For days, I've been trying to get rake db:migration to work.

My first error was pointed out to my on this NG: I was using a dot rather than colon in the rake command.

My second error led me to conclude that their a problem in the rails command. I must be wrong, because there must be thousands or Rails on Windows users out there. But I can't see it.

I ran the command:

C:\>rails var\www\cookbook --database=mysql

The generated C:\var\www\cookbook\config\database.yml has a space character following the colons in the non-comment statements. I confirmed this by viewing database.yml both with: - Notepad - XVI32.exe ( Hex editor which showed the char following the ":" were 0x20 == ASCII Space)

I was led to this fact when I subsequently ran the following command and got results in a Command Window:

C:\var\www\cookbook>ruby script/generate migration K:/_Utilities/ruby186-26_rc2/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ activerecord-2.0.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/ connection_specification.rb :217:in `establish_connection': adapter:mysql encoding:utf8 database:cookbook_development username:root password:beer host:localhost database is not configured (ActiveRecord::AdapterNotSpecified)

I'm running: - Rails 2.0.2 run over - ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i386-mswin32] on top of - WinXP-Pro/SP2

Thanks in Advance for any observations any of you might have.

Best wishes, Richard

Hi All,

Please ignore everything I said. Somehow, I cleaned up my act (so far) and got a skeleton migration running.

I'll probably screw-up something else as I continue this effort, but I can go to bed happily tonight.

Best wishes, Richard

Hi All,

I finally discovered what was causing me to go crazy, causing me to post several false alarms. My Rake installation was corrupted. Once I reinstalled, all my problems disappeared.

Best wishes, Richard