Prob with migration

I saw the same problem posted earlier too on this group but still didnt find any solution...

I created a new database and a table.

when I tried the comman rake migration

it says

"Rake Aborted! Dont know how to build task 'migrate'"

I donno wats wrong...

does anyone have any idea how to solve this???

My Database.yml file is

development:   adapter: mysql   database:railslist_development   username: root   password: admin   host: localhost   timeout: 5000

  adapter: mysql   database: railslist_test   username: root   password: admin   host: localhost   timeout: 5000

production:   adapter: mysql   database: railslist_production   username: root   password: admin   host: localhost   timeout: 5000

Any help would be appreciated.


You should command exactly as "rake db:migrate"

Ashit Vora 写道:

Your info is out of date. It's now rake db:migrate



Give the command as rake db:migrate

regards sumesh