No doubt this is a FAQ, but I couldn't find the answer from searching.
I've used the group thus far through the google groups interface. I'd
like to switch to e-mail, but want messages to go to my work e-mail
rather than my gmail account (since that way I can read while
disconnected on my commute).
I set up a filter with forwarding on gmail, but that seems a bit
ghetto (and I suspect I'll have problems replying to the list).
So.... is there anything like a traditional listserv interface to this
group? I see posts coming from, but
googling that returned surprisingly few hits.
Ah, okay--thanks! I see that my question wasn't clear... I'd like to
be getting the messages from this group e-mailed to me, and have my
replies to those e-mails show up in the group. I'm a laptop user w/a
long commute, during which I'm offline--I'd like to be able to read/
reply to rails talk messages during that time, like I do w/my other e-
> >> I've used the group thus far through the google groups interface.
> >> I'd
> >> like to switch to e-mail, but want messages to go to my work e-mail
> >> rather than my gmail account (since that way I can read while
> >> disconnected on my commute).
I assume you have tried changing your settings in google groups? There
should be an "Edit my membership" link somewhere. (If you don't see
it, click "About this group").
You may want to simply do a traditional usenet subscription, in which
case you need a newsgroup server -- so perhaps your question is,
"What's the best free usenet service out there?" I will leave it to
others to answer that question.
Have you tried sending an email to:
It's been so long that I no longer recall how I signed up (it might
even be on my, but given the links at the bottom of the
emails I'd expect this to work.
I have done the 'edit my membership' thing--the problem was that I was
logged into a google account that was tied to my gmail e-mail address
So it let me turn on/off e-mail to that address only.
What I did was create a second google account, this one tied to my
work e-mail, and turned mail on from *that*.