link_to popup

Hello All,

I have a link. Which I want to open as a new window :-

<%= link_to “Google”, “”, :popup => [‘new_window_name’,‘toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes’] %>

But it is opening in the same page…

Any suggestions how to do it ??

Even hover will be fine…



**link_to "GOOGLE", "",** **:class** **=>** **"_blank"**

:target => '_blank' will do this.


**link_to "GOOGLE", "[](",** **:class** **=>** **"_blank"**

I tried with **:class** => **“_blank”. ** It seems to be opening in the same page.

:target => ‘_blank’ . It is opening in a different tab in the same browser.

:target => '_blank' . It is opening in a different tab in the same browser.

That's an implementation detail of your browser. The target="_blank" bit is baked into every browser back to Netscape 2. How that browser chooses to implement the window (or tab) is its concern, not something you can change.


Should we use javascript ot jquery to achieve this?

Should we use javascript ot jquery to achieve this?

I remember in rails 2 that link_to has a popup option which opens a new window. Looking at the api right now, the option was removed. so I guess you may need to implement your own js solution

Should we use javascript ot jquery to achieve this?

I just tried this in Safari, and both and target="_blank" both open in a new tab. There doesn't seem to be a way to override the browser preference here (and I consider that to be a good thing, BTW).

What does seem to work to force a different window altogether is to set the window preferences in JavaScript to a defined size. Compare the second and the third links on this page. The second (like the first) opens a new tab. The third opens a little daughter window, separate from the main browser. I haven't fiddled with it that much to figure out what the least-common-denominator thing you can do to force the window, but you should be able to find a lot of references to this -- it's definitely old-school.

You might also want to think about using a "lightwindow" or similar instead of a new window. New windows have lots of other UX issues.


link_to(:link, :title => "Link Title", :onclick => "javascript:(function(ele) {, ele.title, 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes') })(this); return false;")