hello all,
i need to put a form in a pop-up window, how do i do this in rails ? i can't find anything. i am pretty sure that i need a javascript tag, and that rails would have its own helper for it, but i cannot find them.
thanks sk
hello all,
i need to put a form in a pop-up window, how do i do this in rails ? i can't find anything. i am pretty sure that i need a javascript tag, and that rails would have its own helper for it, but i cannot find them.
thanks sk
hello all,
i need to put a form in a pop-up window, how do i do this in rails ? i can't find anything. i am pretty sure that i need a javascript tag, and that rails would have its own helper for it, but i cannot find them.
link_to accetps :popup option. From http://api.rubyonrails.com/classes/ActionView/Helpers/UrlHelper.html#M000378 :
link_to "Busy loop", { :action => "busy" }, :popup => ['new_window', 'height=300,width=600']
Regards, Rimantas
hey cool, thanks for this, and for the link. sk
> hey cool, thanks for this, and for the link.
This one is better : http://groups.google.com/group/rubyonrails-talk/search?hl=en&group=rubyonrails-talk&q=popup&qt_g=1&searchnow=Search+this+group
indeed, thanks sk